(php-libvirt 0.1)
libvirt_get_domain_count — Get the number of all domains
Get the number of active and inactive domains.
Connection resource of hypervisor.
Number of active and inactive domains. The result is the same as libvirt_get_inactive_domain_count()+libvirt_get_active_domain_count().
Example #1 libvirt_get_domain_count(),libvirt_get_active_domain_count() and libvirt_get_inactive_domain_count() example
Get count of all, active and inactive domains.
echo ("Domain count: Active ".libvirt_get_active_domain_count($conn).",Inactive ".libvirt_get_inactive_domain_count($conn).", Total ".libvirt_get_domain_count($conn)."\n");
The above example will output something similar to:
Domain count: Active 1,Inactive 6, Total 7